Balance sheet forecast
The purpose of balance sheet forecast is to obtain a continuous view on the balance sheet of the company that is as accurate as possible, including its different elements and development trends on a chosen period. Important key indicators for management include at least cash position, equity ratio, indebtedness and various turnovers (inventory, sales receivables and accounts payable).
Valtaosa tase-ennusteesta syntyy automaattisesti:
- Depreciations of fixed assets are calculated automatically, and the system can be used to simulate investments and their financing.
- The inventory, especially the total inventory, indicates how much company capital is committed to the stores. The amount of inventory may vary strongly between seasons, and could have a significant influence on balance, working capital etc. Revise EPM utilizes for automatic balance calculation mathematical models incorporating historical trends (turnover, seasonal variation etc.).
- Sales receivables and accounts payable are calculated automatically from profit and cash flow forecasts.
- Cash balance is obtained directly from cash flow forecast.
- The balance sheet total indicates the total amount of capital committed to the company: cash (assets), equity and debt (liabilities). Both the line of business and business model have a substantial effect on the balance sheet total. Large, traditional manufacturing companies are usually highly capital intensive. When calculating the company return on investment, the second component is usually turnover of capital. This is calculated by comparing balance sheet total to the company turnover.
- Equity ratio describes the solvency situation and existing reserves in the balance.
- The company financing can be set up in many alternative ways: equity and its different instruments (share capital, hybrid loan, convertible bond, subordinated loan) and debt. These and their effects on the company solvency, cash flow, liquidity etc. can be easily simulated by Revise EPM. There is a separate section for debt financing design and simulation, that calculates and amortizes the interest and repayments on finance for each debt and its useful life.
- Holiday pay, VAT and other equivalent debt is calculated automatically.
Read more about other forecasts
Cash flow forecast
Cash flow forecast is one of the most important tools for measuring the success and profitability of a company. Cash flow forecast gives a good overview on future cash flow, and it can be used as a basis for designing the actions needed to reach business goals.
Sales forecast
Revise EPM myyntiennustetyökalulla ennustetaan tulevaa myyntiä, myyntikatetta ja siitä syntyvää liikevaihtoa ja katetta. Myyntiennusteen avulla nähdään etukäteen myynnin trendit ja voidaan aloittaa tarvittavat toimenpiteet ajoissa.
Profit forecast
Tulosennuste antaa näkymän yhtiön
tulevaan liikevaihtoon, kustannuksiin, katteisiin ja kannattavuuteen
. Tähän liittyy olennaisena osana trendit liiketoiminta-alueittain ja kustannuspaikoittain.