Cash flow forecast
Cash flow can be effectively predicted with a 12-week rolling cash flow forecast without excel
Outlook for future cash flows
The cash flow forecast is one of the most important tools for measuring the success and profitability of a company. The cash flow forecast provides a good insight into future cash flow and can be used to plan the necessary measures to ensure that business objectives are met.
No more Excel for cash flow forecasting
The best tool for monitoring and managing cash flow is the Revise EPM (Enterprise Performance Management) 12-week rolling cash flow forecast.
A weekly forecast gives a realistic picture of future cash flows, gives time to react to changes and avoids unnecessary surprises. A realistic view of the company's future cash flow is particularly valued by the company's stakeholders.

Base data to be automatically calculated for the cash flow forecast:
- Trade receivables from the profit and loss account by rate of turnover or average payment period
- specific settings for factoring
- Project installments can be included from project-specific cash flow forecasts
- Accounts payable are included from the profit forecast, based on turnover or average payment period.
- Tax account payments (VAT and social security payments) are included automatically from debt accounts in the balance sheet.
- Changes in accounts receivable and debt capital, repayments and interest are included from debt tables.
Cash flow forecast closing balance is updated to a specific account in the balance sheet forecast.
With the application’s systematic process and automatization, cash flow forecast can be implemented quickly and effortlessly.
Read more about other forecasts
Sales forecast
Revise EPM myyntiennustetyökalulla ennustetaan tulevaa myyntiä, myyntikatetta ja siitä syntyvää liikevaihtoa ja katetta. Myyntiennusteen avulla nähdään etukäteen myynnin trendit ja voidaan aloittaa tarvittavat toimenpiteet ajoissa.
Balance sheet forecast
Tase-ennusteen tarkoituksena on saada jatkuva näkemys yhtiön taseesta ja sen eri elementtien kehitysnäkymistä valitulla ajanjaksolla. Liikkeenjohdon näkökulmasta tärkeitä tunnuslukuja ovat ainakin
maksuvalmius, omavaraisuusaste, velkaantumisaste ja eri kiertonopeudet
Profit forecast
The goal of profit forecast is to
estimate future turnover and profitability of the company. Trends per area of
business and cost center are an essential part of this.