Sales forecast

Better forecasting of future sales and margins

Predict your sales and react in time

All business is based on profitable sales. The Revise EPM sales forecasting tool predicts future sales, sales margin and the resulting turnover and margin.

The sales forecast allows you to see sales trends in advance and to take the necessary measures in time, whether sales or margins are too high or too low compared to your targets.

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Revise your EPM software sales forecasts effortlessly:

Myynti- ja myyntikateraportit käyttämiesi dimensioiden mukaisesti, esimerkiksi:

  • By seller

  • Asiakkaittain ja/tai asiakasryhmittäin

  • Tuotteittain ja/tai tuoteryhmittäin

  • Projekteittain

  • Alueittain, maittain, jne

  • Kustannuspaikoittain

  • Liiketoiminta-alueittain

  • Yhtiöittäin (moniyritysvaihtoehto)

  • Trends by dimension

  • Life cycles

  • Changes in demand (consumption patterns)

  • Longer-term view on the direction of sales

When complemented with systematic, rolling forecasting, vital information is acquired to serve as a basis for decision-making. Company activity can be directed to the areas, projects and customer and product segments which enable fulfilling strategic goals and optimizing operating profit..

If the company has a customer relationship management (CRM) system, the sales forecast can be integrated directly into it, so that the sales data is obtained directly from the CRM system.

Up-to-date information on future sales is a competitive advantage

Up-to-date, intelligent information presents a competitive advantage, enabling company management to take the right decisions at the right time, based on the current situation. Essential information includes company sales, sales trends and forecast of future sales and sales margin. 

Sales forecast is the basis of all other forecasting in the company. Revise EPM contains the tools for constructing a realistic sales forecast. 


Read more about other forecasts 

Cash flow forecast

Kassavirtaennuste on yksi tärkeimpiä työkaluja yrityksen menestyksen ja kannattavuuden mittaamisessa. Kassavirtaennusteella saadaan hyvä näkemys yrityksen tulevasta rahavirrasta ja rahavarojen määrästä. 

Balance sheet forecast

Tase-ennusteen tarkoituksena on saada jatkuva näkemys yhtiön taseesta ja sen eri elementtien kehitysnäkymistä valitulla ajanjaksolla. Liikkeenjohdon näkökulmasta tärkeitä tunnuslukuja ovat ainakin maksuvalmius, omavaraisuusaste, velkaantumisaste ja eri kiertonopeudet

Profit forecast

The goal of profit forecast is to estimate future turnover and profitability of the company. Trends per area of business and cost center are an essential part of this..